search - TRUE OR FALSE to search
name - The game title (text)
system - The game's system (numeric)
systemName - The game's system (alpha)
genre - The game's genre (numeric)
upc - The game's UPC barcode number
publisher - The game's publisher (numeric)
developer - The game's developer (numeric)
esrb - ESRB rating (text)
releaseyear - release year (YYYY)
releasemonth - release month (MM)
local - couch co-op (Y or N)
lan - lan support for co-op (Y or N)
steam - steam id
online - online co-op (Y or N)
online_num - minimum player count for online (numeric)
offline_num - couch co-op minimum players (numeric)
splitandonline - split screen with online play (Y or N)
split - split screen play (Y or N)
jip - Dropin/dropout play (Y or N)
csc - co-op specific modes (Y or N)
spc - campaign co-op (Y or N)
direction - sort ASC or DESC
sortby - release or name